With your help, we are saving lives one shipment at a time
in 2023, CmA shipped millions of dollars of medical and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, While also funding partnering humanitarian organizations in Ukraine.
Our work couldn’t be done without generous supporters like you.
Above CMA partners with Save Ukraine to return stolen Ukrainian children to their homes. Right: Medical supplies arriving to frontline medical facilities in February 2024
How to Donate
PNC Bank
PNC Bank ACH or wire transfers
Email us at info@clevelandmaidan.org for our account number and routing information.
One time PayPal or credit card donation
Cash or Check
Cash or check donations can be mailed to our office (1202 Kenilworth Ave. Cleveland, OH 44113)
One time donations
Cleveland Selfreliance Federal Credit Union
Located at 6108 State Road, Parma, OH 44134
Ask the teller to place the funds into our account “Cleveland Maidan Association”
Ukrainian Federal Credit Union - Osnova
Located at 5602 State Road, Parma, OH 44134
Ask the teller to place the funds into our account “Cleveland Maidan Association”
One time donations
Please follow bank instructions and send payments to: info@clevelandmaidan.org
Cash App
One time donations